how to prepare your granny flat for renters (2)

How to Prepare Your Granny Flat for Renters

Do you want to maximise the use of your property while also bringing in some extra cash? Having a granny flat, you can rent out is a great way to make money and put that additional room on your property to good use.

In this guide, you'll learn all you need to know to rent out your granny apartment easily. And if you've ever considered turning your grandmother's house into a vacation rental, we'll advise you on how to do it.

Finding tenants for your granny's apartment can be financially and emotionally satisfying. Whether you're just starting as a landlord or are an experienced professional seeking new information, you'll find what you need on our blog.

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    What Is A Granny Flat?

    Often referred to as a "granny flat," secondary housing is a separate living quarters on the same property as the primary residence. It is often smaller than the main house. A secondary dwelling may function independently or share the primary home's infrastructure in some capacity.

    You Can Make Some Extra Money by Renting Out Your Granny Flat

    how to prepare your granny flat for renters

    Many homeowners construct a portable granny flat when there isn't enough room in the main house for a growing family and guests. When the kids finally leave home, the granny flat can provide much-needed supplemental income. Renting out a portable building once it has been set up on your land can help it pay for itself.

    Advantages Of Renting Out A Granny Flat

    Efficiency In Building Costs

    Building a granny flat on an existing piece of land is a more cost-effective investment option than buying a new investment home. Without a large mortgage, landlords can invest in property due to lower building costs and faster council approval.

    The Value Of Property Appreciates

    The value of the property as a whole can increase substantially if a granny flat is built on it. This supplementary dwelling, if planned and built well, can add as much as 30 per cent to the property's overall market value.

    Added Funds

    One way to increase one's income is to rent a granny flat. The apartment's rental potential is affected by several factors, including its amenities, size, and location. Property owners can generate hundreds of pounds in weekly revenue.

    Accommodations For A Variety Of Uses

    A granny flat has several potential uses beyond those of a simple rental unit. While trying to find new tenants, you can utilise it as a guesthouse, teen hangout, or home office. This adaptability enhances the property's worth and practicality.

    Disadvantages Of Renting Out A Granny Flat

    Privacy Issues

    Having tenants in a granny flat is similar to having roommates. The potential for invasion of privacy can be reduced by performing exhaustive tenant screening, checking tenants' credit histories, and contacting their references. Careful tenant screening can help maintain a peaceful and secure environment.

    Unanticipated Costs

    There is always the chance of unforeseen costs with a property investment. Landlords should save money for unexpected costs, such as power bills during tenant turnover or emergency maintenance. Budgeting for property upkeep and emergency reserves helps absorb unforeseen expenditures.

    Capital Gains Tax

    Rental income from a granny flat could result in capital gains tax liability upon selling the main residence. The CGT obligation is calculated by dividing the granny flat's area by the property's overall size. If, on the other hand, the granny flat is legitimately occupied by a relative at a rate that is lower than the market rate, an exemption from the tax on capital gains may be applicable.

    Long-Term Rental of the Granny Flat

    It is a very profitable investment strategy in major cities such as Sydney to rent out a granny flat on a long-term lease, and this trend is now gaining popularity across Queensland. Rental income from a granny flat can easily surpass $300 per week if it is situated in a highly desirable region and features modern conveniences and ample living space.

    If you want to rent out your granny flat, you may advertise on real estate websites or spread the news among family and friends. Ensure your mobile home complies with all local, state, and federal regulations before marketing. Verifying the tenant's references and collecting a security deposit before letting them move in is important.

    Providing your tenants with secure backyard access will allow them greater freedom of movement. Also, you'll have someone to split the cost of utilities with. It may be prudent to factor estimated utility costs into the monthly rent to ensure that they are keeping up with their payments.

    Holiday and Short-Term Rentals

    You can earn more money from your granny flat if you rent it out short-term rather than finding a permanent tenant. Granny flats are in high demand, so you may cash in by renting them out for three-month terms or turning them into an Airbnb.

    Airbnbs are a great method to make money because you can set your rates and charge more or less based on the season. The only drawback is that you'll have to be on hand to clean after each guest checks out. To counter this, you might invest some money in hiring a cleaning service to finish the task in a day or two.

    If you reside in a region frequented by travellers on short-term visas or contract workers like FIFOs, short-term rentals (up to three months) might be a lucrative business.

    Essentials for Your Granny Flat 

    Your home might pay for itself fast at beginning prices under $20,000.

    Considering the variety of options, it is not important how much room you have in your backyard. Please look at what we offer, from 6m granny flats to full-blown houses.

    Your granny's apartment needs the following to be rentable:

    • In-suite kitchen
    • A lavatory
    • A relaxing bedroom with fresh, soft sheets
    • Provisions for year-round cosiness, including insulation, heating, and air conditioning
    • Conveniently located outside the main home

    Preparing a Granny Flat for Vacation Use

    There are a few things to remember if you're creating a granny flat from scratch. To begin, how many sleeping quarters do you require? If you want to make your home more fun for visitors to spend time in, you can switch to an open floor plan. You should plan for all four seasons to ensure the comfort of your guests.

    Is this a lot to think about? You should know that you are not alone in this. The professionals at Granny Flat Solutions will advise you through every stage of the design process so that the finished product is a vacation home that all of your friends and family will want to visit.

    Advice on Turning Your Granny Flat into a Vacation Rental

    how to prepare your granny flat for renters (3)

    Find Out About Other Vacation Rentals In The Area

    You can't make a business certain to succeed, but you can lessen the odds of failure by doing homework. 

    Check out other people's granny flats and get an idea of what you like and don't like. To avoid making the same mistakes that others have, it's a good idea to look up advice from previous Airbnb hosts online.

    Find out what other hotels in the area are charging for comparable rooms. Prospective guests will shop around, so you must offer competitive yet still appealing pricing.

    Select Your Services

    Do you plan to make guests breakfast or provide other meals? Do you plan to provide airport pickup services? Provide parking? What about internet access and cable TV? Do you allow guests to use your pool? The answers to these questions are not black and white, but it is crucial to recognise what constitutes your service and clarify that to your guests. Being forthright and honest about what one can accomplish and deliver is preferable. It's preferable not to make any promises than to make and fail to keep them.

    Bring Your Personality To Your Granny Flat

    Travellers are looking for unique experiences; you may deliver that with your granny flat. People often have the best times on vacation when they go somewhere out of the ordinary. Guests may prefer a granny flat over a conventional hotel because of its unique character and decor. You can put your spin on things and use some creative licence with the layout. The challenge is to strike a happy medium between eccentric and cosy. Any quirks should come across as appealing rather than annoying.

    Be Aware Of Your Environment

    Consider why tourists visit your location and strive to cater to those interests. For instance, if you are near the coast, try decorating in a Hamptons style. Make your granny apartment feel more like a rustic home in the outback. Remember that what is normal to you can be completely foreign to a visitor to your area.

    Small Details Matter

    You know the adage, "the devil's in the details"? You should do the same if you rent your granny flat to vacationers. Many homeowners need to remember to do something as elementary as clearly labelling the entrance to their granny flat so their guests will stay aware of the situation. We've all had trouble finding the on button on a foreign air conditioner or television, so printed directions can be helpful. Consider including plug adaptors, restaurant menus, and public transportation schedules in your package. You can also provide guests with a list of your suggestions to utilise as they see fit.


    Guests' expectations will vary. Therefore, you must adjust accordingly. Some guests will likely prefer to hang together and get the lowdown from others, while others will prefer to strike off on their own. Health and safety regulations, organisational rules (check-out timings, payment due dates), and preference rules (which places guests may use and which they can't) should all be communicated to visitors.

    Even if you don't agree with your visitors' suggestions, it's best to respond to their comments with politeness and honesty. You'll come out as pleasant, and they'll even give you a great suggestion.

    Always Presentable

    The popularity of your vacation rental depends on how well you maintain your granny flat. This includes taking care of the nitty-gritty details like pest control and ensuring the big items like cleaning and plumbing are taken care of regularly. To be safe, have an electrician inspect your electrical appliances once a year. The bad news is that it only takes one thing for a guest to have an unfavourable impression of your establishment. Any structure will eventually show signs of wear and tear, but the key is to keep things from getting too bad.


    A granny flat is a separate living quarter on the same property as the primary residence, often smaller than the main house. It can function independently or share the primary home's infrastructure in some capacity. Renting out a portable granny flat can provide much-needed supplemental income when the kids leave home. The advantages of renting out a granny flat include efficiency in building costs, increased property value, added funds, and accommodations for a variety of uses.

    A granny flat has several potential uses beyond those of a simple rental unit, such as guesthouse, teen hangout, or home office. This adaptability enhances the property's worth and practicality. However, there are disadvantages to renting out a granny flat, such as privacy issues, unforeseen costs, and capital gains tax liability.

    Privacy issues can be reduced by performing thorough tenant screening, checking tenants' credit histories, and contacting their references. Unexpected costs can occur with a property investment, so landlords should save money for unexpected costs, such as power bills during tenant turnover or emergency maintenance. Budgeting for property upkeep and emergency reserves helps absorb unforeseen expenditures.

    Long-term rentals of a granny flat are a profitable investment strategy in major cities like Sydney and Queensland. Rental income from a granny flat can easily surpass $300 per week if it is situated in a highly desirable region and features modern conveniences and ample living space. To rent out your granny flat, advertise on real estate websites or spread the news among family and friends. Ensure your mobile home complies with all local, state, and federal regulations before marketing.

    Providing tenants with secure backyard access and splitting the cost of utilities with them can help ensure they are keeping up with their payments. Short-term rentals can also be a lucrative business, especially if you reside in a region frequented by short-term visa travelers or contract workers like FIFOs.

    In summary, renting out a granny flat is a great way to maximize the use of your property while bringing in extra cash. By utilizing the benefits of renting out a granny flat, landlords can increase their income, improve the property's value, and create a more comfortable and financially rewarding experience for their tenants.

    Granny flats can be a great investment for those looking to create a vacation home. They can range from 6m to full-blown houses, and they should have an in-suite kitchen, a lavatory, a relaxing bedroom with fresh sheets, year-round comfort, insulation, heating, and air conditioning, and be conveniently located outside the main home.

    To prepare a granny flat for vacation use, it is essential to consider the number of sleeping quarters needed, whether to switch to an open floor plan or plan for all four seasons. Professionals at Granny Flat Solutions can help guide you through every stage of the design process to ensure the finished product is a vacation home that your friends and family will want to visit.

    To turn your granny flat into a vacation rental, do some research by checking out other vacation rentals in the area and researching the prices of other hotels in the area. It is crucial to identify what constitutes your service and clarify it to guests. Be forthright and honest about what you can accomplish and deliver, as it is preferable not to make any promises than to make and fail to keep them.

    Bring your personality to your granny flat by offering unique experiences and a mix of eccentric and cosy. Striking a balance between eccentric and cosy is key to attracting guests. Be aware of your environment and strive to cater to the interests of tourists, such as decorating in a Hamptons style near the coast or creating a rustic home in the outback.

    Small details matter when renting your granny flat to vacationers. For example, clearly labeling the entrance to the flat and providing printed directions can help guests stay informed. Consider including plug adaptors, restaurant menus, and public transportation schedules in your package. Additionally, provide guests with a list of suggestions to use as they see fit.

    Communication is crucial for guests' expectations, so adjust accordingly. Health and safety regulations, organizational rules (check-out timings, payment due dates), and preference rules should be communicated to visitors. Responding politely and honestly to guests' comments will make you appear pleasant and encourage them to give you great suggestions.

    Maintaining your granny flat is essential for its popularity. This includes taking care of nitty-gritty details like pest control and ensuring big items like cleaning and plumbing are taken care of regularly. To be safe, have an electrician inspect your electrical appliances once a year.

    Content Summary: 

    • Having a granny flat, you can rent out is a great way to make money and put that additional room on your property to good use.
    • In this guide, you'll learn all you need to know to rent out your granny apartment easily.
    • Finding tenants for your granny's apartment can be financially and emotionally satisfying.
    • Often referred to as a "granny flat," secondary housing is a separate living quarters on the same property as the primary residence.
    • Many homeowners construct a portable granny flat when there isn't enough room in the main house for a growing family and guests.
    • Renting out a portable building once it has been set up on your land can help it pay for itself.
    • Building a granny flat on an existing piece of land is a more cost-effective investment option than buying a new investment home.
    • The value of the property as a whole can increase substantially if a granny flat is built on it.
    • One way to increase one's income is to rent a granny flat.
    • Unanticipated Costs There is always the chance of unforeseen costs with a property investment.
    • Rental income from a granny flat could result in capital gains tax liability upon selling the main residence.
    • It is a very profitable investment strategy in major cities such as Sydney to rent out a granny flat on a long-term lease, and this trend is now gaining popularity across Queensland.
    • If you want to rent out your granny flat, you may advertise on real estate websites or spread the news among family and friends.
    • Also, you'll have someone to split the cost of utilities with.
    • You can earn more money from your granny flat if you rent it out short-term rather than finding a permanent tenant.
    • Airbnbs are a great method to make money because you can set your rates and charge more or less based on the season.
    • If you want to make your home more fun for visitors to spend time in, you can switch to an open floor plan.
    • You should plan for all four seasons to ensure the comfort of your guests.
    • The professionals at Granny Flat Solutions will advise you through every stage of the design process so that the finished product is a vacation home that all of your friends and family will want to visit.
    • You can't make a business certain to succeed, but you can lessen the odds of failure by doing homework.
    • Check out other people's granny flats and get an idea of what you like and don't like.
    • The answers to these questions are not black and white, but it is crucial to recognise what constitutes your service and clarify that to your guests.
    • Being forthright and honest about what one can accomplish and deliver is preferable.
    • Travellers are looking for unique experiences; you may deliver that with your granny flat.
    • Guests may prefer a granny flat over a conventional hotel because of its unique character and decor.
    • You can put your spin on things and use some creative licence with the layout.
    • Consider why tourists visit your location and strive to cater to those interests.
    • Make your granny apartment feel more like a rustic home in the outback.
    • Remember that what is normal to you can be completely foreign to a visitor to your area.
    • You know the adage, "the devil's in the details"?
    • You should do the same if you rent your granny flat to vacationers.
    • Many homeowners need to remember to do something as elementary as clearly labelling the entrance to their granny flat so their guests will stay aware of the situation.
    • Consider including plug adaptors, restaurant menus, and public transportation schedules in your package.
    • You can also provide guests with a list of your suggestions to utilise as they see fit.
    • Communication Guests' expectations will vary.
    • Even if you don't agree with your visitors' suggestions, it's best to respond to their comments with politeness and honesty.
    • The popularity of your vacation rental depends on how well you maintain your granny flat.
    • This includes taking care of the nitty-gritty details like pest control and ensuring the big items like cleaning and plumbing are taken care of regularly.
    • To be safe, have an electrician inspect your electrical appliances once a year.
    • The bad news is that it only takes one thing for a guest to have an unfavourable impression of your establishment.

    FAQs About Granny Flat

    Yes, tenant screening is crucial to finding reliable renters. Conduct background checks, verify references, and assess their financial stability to ensure a good fit.

    Create an online listing with clear, high-quality photos and detailed descriptions. Consider using rental listing websites and social media to reach a wider audience.

    Depending on your availability and preference, a property management company can handle tasks like tenant screening, maintenance, and rent collection, but they charge a fee for their services.

    Landlord responsibilities include maintaining the property, addressing tenant concerns, collecting rent, and complying with local and state laws regarding landlord-tenant relationships.

    Ensure the granny flat is clean, provide a move-in checklist, and be available to address any questions or concerns. This will help create a positive experience for your new renters.

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