things you need to know before building a granny flat (3)

Things You Need To Know Before Building A Granny Flat

Granny flats have been increasingly popular in recent years due to their many useful functions. These detached houses on the same property as the main house can be used for various reasons. They're perfect for hosting out-of-town guests and provide a tempting chance to bring in additional cash by renting out more space. However, a few important considerations should be made before beginning the process of building a granny apartment. These factors are crucial to assuring the project's success and making the process easy and stress-free for everyone involved.

Before beginning to construct a granny flat, there are a few crucial aspects of the project that you need to be familiar with, and this blog will walk you through those considerations.

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    What The Rules To Follow When Designing A Granny Flat?

    things you need to know before building a granny flat

    When planning a granny flat, you must follow some specific guidelines. The planning approval process determines whether or not a proposed granny flat will be built. The council will assess your granny flat designs and return them to you afterwards. If everything checks out, you can start erecting the structure. If your granny flat plans are turned down, you can make the suggested changes and submit them again. 

    Approval for construction will be granted or denied based on how well it conforms to the local planning scheme and the R-Codes. The local government could set further regulations. Dealing with legislation concerning granny flats might be complicated. A reliable builder will take care of the boring paperwork while you focus on the exciting stuff, like choosing the aesthetic details you want to include in the structure.

    Considerations Before Constructing A Granny Flat

    It's smart to put your money into a brand-new granny flat. However, it's not uncommon for the planning, legal counsel, and construction processes to wear one out.

    Adding a granny flat to your house is a great way to provide housing for elderly relatives, elderly guests, or both. Land value can be increased by building a home for an older relative or renting out space on the property.

    On the other hand, only some people are familiar with constructing a granny flat from the ground up. Today, we've made the decision to talk about the most significant considerations that need to be made before constructing a granny flat.

    Determine Your Reason For Constructing A Granny Flat

    Before you begin planning, measuring, and designing a new granny flat, you need to have a firm grasp on the reasons for your need for one. Perhaps you require one for an elderly relative or in-laws who must be located near you. A few tenants may accept renters who have temporary residency requirements.

    Once you've settled on the reasons why you need a granny flat, you'll have a better idea of the layout, materials, and features that it should have. If it is to be considered a suitable accessory apartment, it will need to have space for its kitchen and bathroom.

    The building can be classified as a studio if you don't require these extra features. You are not allowed to install a kitchen or laundry room if the building is zoned for studio apartments.

    Furthermore, in some jurisdictions, the granny flat occupant must be a close family member. If this is not the case in your area, self-contained granny flats with kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry facilities will allow you to retain tenants.

    Check To See If You Have Enough Space

    The most obvious consideration is whether or not there is enough room on the site for the addition of new buildings. Your state and your local government determine the minimum amount of land required.

    The first order of business is to take accurate measurements of the land and then compare them to the applicable state regulations. You'll need a minimum of 450 square metres of land. A granny apartment could require up to 60 square metres of land, but you'll still need 100 square metres for the entire structure.

    If you have the extra space to account for potential delays, beginning construction will be easy.

    Granny Flat Designs

    The phase of the construction process known as "planning" is an essential step, and it comes after you have received approval from your council.

    Consult an expert architect or project manager to assist you in planning your granny flat. Together with the in-charge professional, plan and draw out your ideal layout, considering the number of rooms, the structure, the layout, the size, and the specifications. Before bringing in the pros, you might even have a preliminary concept in mind or on paper.

    Consult your architect or project manager early if you want the job to go off without a hitch. Talk about your budget and who would be the best fit for the project in order to keep costs down.

    Renting Your Granny Flat

    The advantages of a granny flat are many. It could serve as a spare bedroom, an in-law suite, a rental unit, a kids' playroom, or other functions. Think about this beforehand so that you may be confident of who will benefit most and make the best use of your creation. This then affects how the house is built.

    Many locals add granny flats to their properties so that they can charge higher rents. This has the potential to be a lucrative investment that generates additional income. Consult an expert to determine if the expected rental income is sufficient to cover the projected construction costs.

    The extra space a granny flat provides is ideal for accommodating visitors like friends and family. In-laws or elderly grandparents may also stay at the house for an extended time. If this is the case, you will likely need to examine whether or not the structure requires any additional railings or ramps for any elderly people who might require them.

    Toy rooms, man caves, and offices for self-employed people can all be accommodated in a granny flat, another name for an accessory dwelling unit.

    The Council's Approval

    We've already established that, in most circumstances, a granny flat construction permit is required from the local government. Requirements for altering, renovating, or constructing primary or secondary residences vary from one state to the next. Eligibility must be verified prior to moving forward with the plan.

    Going to the local council's office and informing them of your intentions is not a tough task if you know what steps to take. As part of the approval procedure, you will submit a "Development Application" (DA) for review by the relevant governing bodies.

    Talk to them about your next steps and whether your application is accepted. The approval process typically takes at most ten days but can go on for weeks if necessary.

    The Cost Of Your Granny Flat

    Before beginning construction, you must carefully analyse every aspect of your budget, which may encompass many items. Work with your project manager or another expert to determine a reasonable budget. Since the cost of the materials adds up over time, it's best to keep the design as straightforward as possible.

    Financing is a complex process that should be completed before the building begins. If you intend to collect rent from tenants, you'll need a steady stream of income to cover mortgage payments while the granny flat is being constructed. 

    You should consult with your project manager or contractor before deciding on the specialists you will use. Think about everything from the plumbing and electrical to the carpentry. Find out how much more you'll have to pay for liability insurance if you rent it out.

    Creating A Private Granny Flat

    If you're considering renting out your granny apartment, privacy is essential. Knowing where to put your granny flat is important for the comfort of its inhabitants. If you can't erect fences to separate the two houses, leave a sizable amount of space between them or use plants instead.

    The granny flat's entrance should also be known to you. A side gate can be a convenient addition to a small, enclosed home. This will also keep your family or tenants from causing a fuss whenever they need to enter your property.

    Other aspects, including hot water systems and sewers, need careful planning in order to avoid any issues or stress further down the road.

    Tax Implications

    You will not be entitled to any tax deductions if you are building the granny flat with the intention of renting it out to a member of your immediate family, such as your parents or children. However, revenue from renting the dwelling to a third party is taxable, and deductions are possible for financing the development, maintenance, and ongoing operating costs.

    What Are The Options For A Custom Granny Flat Design?

    things you need to know before building a granny flat (4)

    When designing a customised granny flat, you have many different options for features. The combination of features you select for the granny flat will determine the range of possible applications for the space.

    1. Size

    Your city or county may have restrictions limiting your granny flat's size. The size of your lot and the local density code are the two most important considerations in adhering to these rules. Consultation with the local council is essential in order to determine the precise restrictions governing the size of your granny flat. This is an essential procedure for meeting all applicable rules and laws. It's important to remember that this is a nebulous area with some wiggle room. You can construct a granny flat as large as possible within the allowed parameters or a smaller one if it suits your needs and preferences better.

    2. Bedrooms

    There are two primary factors to think about when deciding how many bedrooms to include in your granny flat: the total square footage of the building and its intended purpose. More bedrooms are a terrific addition to a granny flat, especially if you choose a larger layout. This tactical move affords a greater range of options. An increasing number of bedrooms in a rental property makes it possible to house more tenants or put the current ones to alternative uses. On the other hand, one may want a smaller number of bedrooms. Depending on your specific needs and tastes, the available area might be used to design a roomy living area, dining area, or a roomy kitchen.

    3. Stories

    You can build a granny flat with one or two stories, depending on your needs and preferences. Choosing a vertical layout has the obvious benefit of minimising the amount of land that must be used. If you're working with a small area, this can be a huge help. It's important to remember that tenants with mobility restrictions, such as those using wheelchairs or the elderly, may have trouble with two-story granny flats. Because of the possible barriers that stairs in a two-story plan present, a one-story layout is preferable for persons with limited mobility.

    4. Layout

    The granny flat's " layout " refers to its numerous rooms' arrangement and dimensions. Some granny flats are more like apartments, with each room serving a specific function. Others, however, opt for an open layout that gives the impression of more space and movement. The granny flat's floor plan illustrates this layout by showing where each room is in relation to the others and how big they are relative to one another. The blueprint's primary function is to direct construction so the finished building conforms perfectly to the designer's plans.

    5. Bathrooms

    It is up to each individual to weigh their needs and preferences when deciding how many bathrooms to have in their granny flat. A greater number of bathrooms is a definite perk for houses with a larger anticipated population. There are a variety of bathroom layouts that can be incorporated into the design, including en suites, integrated bathroom and toilet rooms, and standalone units. Considering how the granny flat will be used is of utmost importance. Having the same number of bathrooms as bedrooms is necessary if the property is intended for rent. This layout provides greater flexibility for tenants and meets the needs of a variety of renters.

    6. Outdoor Area

    Outdoor areas provide a wealth of opportunities for creative use and enjoyment when planning granny flat layouts. These spaces can be used for various functions, making the granny flat more functional. Setting up a special outdoor area with plush seating, for instance, is ideal for alfresco dining and makes for a lovely alternative to eating indoors during the warmer months. On the other hand, it might be renovated into a fun and exciting backyard play area catered to children's specific requirements and interests. Another appealing idea is to picture the outdoor space as a garden, which would allow for the growth of vegetation and the development of a tranquil, natural haven.


    Granny flats have gained popularity due to their numerous useful functions, such as hosting out-of-town guests and providing a way to increase land value by building a home for an older relative or renting out space on the property. However, before beginning the process of building a granny flat, it is essential to consider several crucial aspects.

    Before starting construction on a granny flat, it is essential to carefully analyze your budget and work with a project manager or expert to determine a reasonable budget. Financing is a complex process that should be completed before the building begins, as you will need a steady stream of income to cover mortgage payments while the granny flat is being constructed. Consult with your project manager or contractor before deciding on the specialists you will use, considering everything from plumbing and electrical to carpentry.

    Creating a private granny flat is crucial for the comfort of its inhabitants. Knowing where to put your granny flat is important for the comfort of its inhabitants. If you can't erect fences to separate the two houses, leave a sizable amount of space between them or use plants instead. The granny flat's entrance should also be known to you, as a side gate can be a convenient addition to a small, enclosed home. Other aspects, such as hot water systems and sewers, need careful planning to avoid any issues or stress further down the road.

    Tax implications are not applicable if you are building the granny flat with the intention of renting it out to a member of your immediate family, such as your parents or children. However, revenue from renting the dwelling to a third party is taxable, and deductions are possible for financing the development, maintenance, and ongoing operating costs.

    When designing a custom granny flat, there are many different options for features. The combination of features you select for the granny flat will determine the range of possible applications for the space. Size is one of the most important considerations, as your city or county may have restrictions limiting your granny flat's size. Consultation with the local council is essential to determine the precise restrictions governing the size of your granny flat.

    Bedrooms are another important factor to consider when deciding how many bedrooms to include in your granny flat. More bedrooms are a great addition to a rental property, especially if you choose a larger layout. On the other hand, a smaller number of bedrooms may be preferred for roomy living, dining, or kitchen areas.

    The layout of your granny flat refers to its numerous rooms' arrangement and dimensions. Some granny flats are more like apartments, with each room serving a specific function, while others opt for an open layout that gives the impression of more space and movement. The floor plan illustrates this layout by showing where each room is in relation to the others and how big they are relative to one another.

    Outdoor areas provide a wealth of opportunities for creative use and enjoyment when planning granny flat layouts. These spaces can be used for various functions, making the granny flat more functional. Setting up a special outdoor area with plush seating is ideal for alfresco dining, or renovating it into a fun backyard play area catered to children's specific needs and interests. Another appealing idea is to picture the outdoor space as a garden, which would allow for the growth of vegetation and the development of a tranquil, natural haven.

    Content Summary: 

    • However, a few important considerations should be made before beginning the process of building a granny apartment.
    • Before beginning to construct a granny flat, there are a few crucial aspects of the project that you need to be familiar with, and this blog will walk you through those considerations.
    • When planning a granny flat, you must follow some specific guidelines.
    • The planning approval process determines whether or not a proposed granny flat will be built.
    • Dealing with legislation concerning granny flats might be complicated.
    • It's smart to put your money into a brand-new granny flat.
    • However, it's not uncommon for the planning, legal counsel, and construction processes to wear one out.
    • Adding a granny flat to your house is a great way to provide housing for elderly relatives, elderly guests, or both.
    • Land value can be increased by building a home for an older relative or renting out space on the property.
    • Before you begin planning, measuring, and designing a new granny flat, you need to have a firm grasp on the reasons for your need for one.
    • Once you've settled on the reasons why you need a granny flat, you'll have a better idea of the layout, materials, and features that it should have.
    • The most obvious consideration is whether or not there is enough room on the site for the addition of new buildings.
    • Your state and your local government determine the minimum amount of land required.
    • You'll need a minimum of 450 square metres of land.
    • Consult an expert architect or project manager to assist you in planning your granny flat.
    • Together with the in-charge professional, plan and draw out your ideal layout, considering the number of rooms, the structure, the layout, the size, and the specifications.
    • Consult your architect or project manager early if you want the job to go off without a hitch.
    • Talk about your budget and who would be the best fit for the project in order to keep costs down.
    • This then affects how the house is built.
    • Consult an expert to determine if the expected rental income is sufficient to cover the projected construction costs.
    • We've already established that, in most circumstances, a granny flat construction permit is required from the local government.
    • Eligibility must be verified prior to moving forward with the plan.
    • Talk to them about your next steps and whether your application is accepted.
    • Before beginning construction, you must carefully analyse every aspect of your budget, which may encompass many items.
    • Work with your project manager or another expert to determine a reasonable budget.
    • Since the cost of the materials adds up over time, it's best to keep the design as straightforward as possible.
    • Financing is a complex process that should be completed before the building begins.
    • If you intend to collect rent from tenants, you'll need a steady stream of income to cover mortgage payments while the granny flat is being constructed.
    • You should consult with your project manager or contractor before deciding on the specialists you will use.
    • Think about everything from the plumbing and electrical to the carpentry.
    • Find out how much more you'll have to pay for liability insurance if you rent it out.
    • If you're considering renting out your granny apartment, privacy is essential.
    • Knowing where to put your granny flat is important for the comfort of its inhabitants.
    • The granny flat's entrance should also be known to you.
    • A side gate can be a convenient addition to a small, enclosed home.
    • This will also keep your family or tenants from causing a fuss whenever they need to enter your property.
    • Tax Implications You will not be entitled to any tax deductions if you are building the granny flat with the intention of renting it out to a member of your immediate family, such as your parents or children.
    • When designing a customised granny flat, you have many different options for features.
    • The combination of features you select for the granny flat will determine the range of possible applications for the space.
    • Consultation with the local council is essential in order to determine the precise restrictions governing the size of your granny flat.
    • There are two primary factors to think about when deciding how many bedrooms to include in your granny flat: the total square footage of the building and its intended purpose.
    • On the other hand, one may want a smaller number of bedrooms.
    • Depending on your specific needs and tastes, the available area might be used to design a roomy living area, dining area, or a roomy kitchen.
    • You can build a granny flat with one or two stories, depending on your needs and preferences.

    FAQs About Granny Flat

    The cost of building a granny flat can vary widely depending on location, size, design, and materials used. It's advisable to consult with contractors and obtain multiple quotes to understand the potential expenses.

    You can design your granny flat according to your preferences and needs. Consulting with an experienced architect or designer can provide valuable insights and help bring your vision to life.

    The construction timeline for a granny flat can vary based on factors like size, complexity, and the contractor's schedule. On average, it may take several months from the initial planning stages to completion.

    Opting for eco-friendly materials, energy-efficient appliances, and incorporating passive design principles are excellent ways to promote sustainability in your granny flat. These choices can lead to reduced energy consumption and a smaller environmental footprint.

    If accessibility is a concern, consider wider doorways, grab bars, and a step-free entry. Consulting with a design professional experienced in universal design can help ensure that your granny flat is accessible to all.

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