two storey granny flats—are they worth the money1

Two-Storey Granny Flats—Are They Worth the Money?

Can a second story be added to your granny's flat? We're here to inform you that it can be done and that an increasing number of individuals are doing so because they see the benefits.

But you could be asking yourself if it's worth it. What are the benefits of two-story granny flats over one-story ones, and what should you consider when planning one?

Do your homework before beginning construction on a 2-story granny apartment. We'll go over all you need to know about two-story granny flats so you can make an informed decision.

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    What Is A Two-storey Granny Flat?

    A two-story granny flat is a small, detached home alongside your primary residence on your property. The kitchen, bathroom(s), and bedroom(s) of a two-story granny flat are similar to those of a single-story granny flat.

    Considerations For A Two-Storey Granny Flat

    two storey granny flats—are they worth the money3

    Like any other structure, constructing a two-story granny flat calls for careful planning and investigation.


    Both single- and two-story granny flats are subject to the same 60m2 maximum floor area. For your layout, what does this information mean? It means you'll have to divide the area between two floors. 

    The living space would be on the ground floor, with the bedrooms above, as in many two-story houses. It's crucial to remember that the square footage devoted to an inner stairwell counts towards your total allowed floor area. But no rule says the upper level has to be the same size as the basement. Putting up a loft is a common solution. Without adding an entire additional story to your home, this may be a clever approach to use the space you already have.


    There are specific structural requirements for any building with more than one story, including multi-family dwellings like granny flats. The easiest way to describe it is that the ground floor must be strong enough to hold the upper floors.

    There's no use in having a gorgeous granny flat if it doesn't serve your purposes, so keep that in mind as you plan its layout. 

    For instance, do you plan to utilise it solely as a dwelling, or do you hope to incorporate recreational elements as well? Consider what elements of the space will assist you to be as productive as possible if you intend to use it as a home office. 

    The Advantages of Building a Second Story on Your Granny Flat

    Living Space Flexibility

    A two-story home gives you more flexibility, whether renting out space to make money or building a home for your family. 

    The traditional bedrooms can be on the upper floor, while the living quarters and entertainment space can be on the lower level. The two levels act as a separation wall, allowing residents anonymity and personal space.


    Due to space constraints, customers often enquire about the feasibility of a two-story granny flat. Due to land constraints, innovative land management strategies are essential. Two-story granny flats have a smaller footprint, so you can fit in a garage, leave space for parking, or enjoy additional yard space. A multi-story granny flat is a creative solution to the problem of limited building space in urban areas.

    Exciting Designs

    Two-story granny flats have great architectural potential because of their height and unique design. If you opt for a two-story structure, your designer or architect can offer you a much wider variety of creative options. The exterior structure and the stairwell of a two-story granny flat provide many opportunities for imaginative use of space.

    Smaller Footprint

    Since the total square footage of both floors is factored into your granny flat size, you can maintain more of your yard while occupying less space. 

    Depending on the layout of your lot, this could allow you to squeeze extra living space into your home.

    Better Views

    A second-story addition can help you take full advantage of your surroundings if you reside in a very scenic place. You can extend your view and even make one of the bedrooms upstairs into a balcony suite.

    Two-Story Granny Flats: Extra Factors to Think About

    Staircases Won't Suit Everyone

    If you plan on constructing a granny flat, you already know who will call it home. 

    Young, healthy adults can burn off their excess energy with little problem on the stairs, but individuals with limited mobility or elderly relatives may find them inconvenient. 

    Talk to us about one of our many alternative options, and we'll figure out if this is the case. Since each client has unique requirements, we may construct a granny flat for you.


    A two-story granny flat will often cost more than a one-story version of the same structure. This is because more effort and supplies are required throughout the building process.


    Your two-story granny flat must be approved by the city council and comply with all building standards before construction can begin. 

    You should also research any height limits besides the 60m2 area limit in your location. Believe us, you'll want to know these facts before construction begins, not while or afterwards. 

    Approval Process

    Like any other substantial refurbishment, your two-story granny flat will require permission from the relevant authorities. 

    Ideas for Constructing a Spacious and Comfortable Two-Story Granny Flat

    two storey granny flats—are they worth the money2

    Prepare to construct a two-story retirement home. Follow these tried and true guidelines to get your two-story granny flat off to a great start.

    Spend Some Time Preparing

    Allowing sufficient time for a thorough planning phase is one of the most crucial advice for creating any granny flat or home. It's tempting to go into construction after securing the necessary funding and finalising the blueprints. Planning early will save you headaches and disappointment during your construction job.

    Talking to an expert and locating the proper builder are two great strategies to ensure your investment is headed in the correct direction. It would help if you also devoted some time to learning about:

    • The financial opportunities are available to you. If you need a loan, seek the best possible terms, and remember insurance.
    • Structured elements. Consider the project's end goal and the essential features for its success.
    • Lifestyle. Is using stairs in the granny's apartment feasible for a disabled relative? Should you instead look at other easily accessible granny apartment alternatives?
    • Diagram of the interior space. 

    Optimise The Area You Have

    According to the rules set forth by the local government, the total floor area of a granny flat, regardless of whether it has one or two stories, must not exceed 60m2. A two-story granny flat, however, can still provide more square footage.

    A single-story granny flat can't compete with the vertical space of a two-story home's high ceilings and the view of living above.

    A two-story granny apartment requires more space because of necessities like an internal stairwell. Your 'lost space' can be transformed into a valuable asset with the help of a professional granny flat construction crew. It may be a work of art, elevating the standard of the granny flat, or it could be built in, providing more living space and storage.

    Plan Your Space Carefully

    Building a granny apartment with two stories is more difficult than with one.

    The biggest unknown is whether or not the second story will be built. Where should I put the kitchen, dining room, and living room?

    Planning the layout of a two-story granny flat can be done in various ways. It all depends on its intended function and your plans for its use.

    Each dwelling and family has a unique reason for constructing a granny apartment. Is this an addition to a second house that you want to live in full-time or a rental unit? Is it being constructed so that an old relative can live there or that visitors to the main house have a place to stay? It might serve as a home office, a social gathering spot, or even a rental unit to bring in money for the neighbourhood.

    Put the sleeping quarters on the upper floor and use the ground floor for other purposes, such as an office during the week and a guest room on the weekends.

    Since the upstairs has more seclusion than the downstairs, this might be a great teen getaway and a way to keep your young adult close.

    Knowing why you want a granny flat and consulting a professional specialising in designing them will help you zero in on the ideal two-story layout.

    Consult With Professionals

    Expert builders are essential whether you aim for a high-end, custom granny flat or a more modest, cost-conscious version. Don't scrimp on your construction crew if you want to avoid the headaches and extra costs of hiring an unskilled builder. This is especially true for a two-story "granny flat."

    More careful planning is required for granny flats with two stories. Because of the increased engineering complexity, hiring a professional granny flat builder rather than a do-it-yourselfer is vital.

    No matter how tight your budget is, hiring a competent professional is always preferable to the potential horror of dealing with an incompetent builder. The construction of a two-story granny flat is not the job for a novice.

    Budget-Friendly Methods for Building a Granny Flat

    You can cut costs on your Granny Flat in several different ways, including:

    Make A Granny Flat Out Of An Extra Garage Or Other Space

    Converting an already-existing structure, such as a garage, into a granny flat is one alternative. It could help you save money at the outset, but it won't increase your home's value like a separate granny apartment would.

    Think About Your Granny Flat Requirements

    When starting a construction project, it's tempting to think large, but you must always keep reality in mind. Consider whether a two-story granny flat is best for your elderly father, who recently underwent hip replacement surgery. Value is guaranteed when you construct only what you require and will employ.

    Have Your Granny Flat Rented

    You won't immediately save money, but you can use the additional cash to cover some of your other costs.

    How to Choose the Best Granny Flat Construction Company

    • Ensure the contractor you hire has done granny flats before or specialised in them. Look at the work they've done before to get an idea of whether or not it fits with your needs.
    • Always go with a licenced and reputed company when building a granny flat, and shop around to find the best deal.
    • The first step in finding reliable builders for a granny flat is deciding on a layout.
    • Be aware of any granny flat company that quotes significantly less than the competition. Either the company is having financial difficulties, or their price is extremely misleading, in which case significant additional expenditures will be incurred during construction.


    A two-story granny flat is a small, detached home alongside your primary residence on your property, with the kitchen, bathroom(s), and bedroom(s) of a two-story flat being similar to those of a single-story flat. Constructing a two-story granny flat requires careful planning and investigation.

    Both single- and two-story granny flats are subject to the same 60m2 maximum floor area, which means you must divide the area between two floors. The living space would be on the ground floor, with the bedrooms above. The upper level can be the same size as the basement, or a loft can be added without adding an entire additional story.

    The advantages of building a second story on your granny flat include living space flexibility, space, innovative land management strategies, exciting designs, smaller footprint, and better views. However, stairs may not suit everyone, as they may be inconvenient for individuals with limited mobility or elderly relatives.

    Costs for a two-story granny flat may be higher than a one-story version due to more effort and supplies required during the building process. Regulations and height limits must be researched before construction begins, and permission from relevant authorities is required.

    To construct a spacious and comfortable two-story granny flat, follow these tried and true guidelines to get your two-story retirement home off to a great start.

    Planning is crucial for creating a granny flat or home, as it saves time and prevents disappointment during construction. Talking to an expert and finding the right builder are two strategies to ensure your investment is headed in the right direction. Consider financial opportunities, structural elements, lifestyle, and interior space diagrams when planning.

    Optimize the area you have, as the total floor area of a two-story granny flat must not exceed 60m2. A two-story apartment can provide more square footage due to internal stairwells. Consult with professionals to determine the ideal layout for your two-story granny flat.

    Have a budget-friendly method for building a granny flat, such as making a granny flat out of an extra garage or other space. Keep reality in mind when starting a construction project and consider the needs of your granny flat.

    When choosing the best granny flat construction company, ensure they have experience in building granny flats and have a licensed and reputable company. Be aware of companies that quote significantly less than their competitors, as this could indicate financial difficulties or misleading pricing, leading to additional expenses during construction.

    In summary, planning, consulting professionals, and choosing the right contractor are essential steps in building a successful granny flat.

    Content Summary:

    • Can a second story be added to your granny's flat?
    • What are the benefits of two-story granny flats over one-story ones, and what should you consider when planning one?
    • Do your homework before beginning construction on a 2-story granny apartment.
    • We'll go over all you need to know about two-story granny flats so you can make an informed decision.
    • A two-story granny flat is a small, detached home alongside your primary residence on your property.
    • Like any other structure, constructing a two-story granny flat calls for careful planning and investigation.
    • Both single- and two-story granny flats are subject to the same 60m2 maximum floor area.
    • It means you'll have to divide the area between two floors.
    • The living space would be on the ground floor, with the bedrooms above, as in many two-story houses.
    • Putting up a loft is a common solution.
    • A two-story home gives you more flexibility, whether renting out space to make money or building a home for your family.
    • The traditional bedrooms can be on the upper floor, while the living quarters and entertainment space can be on the lower level.
    • Due to space constraints, customers often enquire about the feasibility of a two-story granny flat.
    • Two-story granny flats have a smaller footprint, so you can fit in a garage, leave space for parking, or enjoy additional yard space.
    • A multi-story granny flat is a creative solution to the problem of limited building space in urban areas.
    • If you opt for a two-story structure, your designer or architect can offer you a much wider variety of creative options.
    • The exterior structure and the stairwell of a two-story granny flat provide many opportunities for imaginative use of space.
    • Depending on the layout of your lot, this could allow you to squeeze extra living space into your home.
    • A two-story granny flat will often cost more than a one-story version of the same structure.
    • You should also research any height limits besides the 60m2 area limit in your location.
    • Like any other substantial refurbishment, your two-story granny flat will require permission from the relevant authorities.
    • Prepare to construct a two-story retirement home.
    • Follow these tried and true guidelines to get your two-story granny flat off to a great start.
    • Allowing sufficient time for a thorough planning phase is one of the most crucial advice for creating any granny flat or home.
    • Planning early will save you headaches and disappointment during your construction job.
    • Consider the project's end goal and the essential features for its success.
    • Diagram of the interior space.
    • According to the rules set forth by the local government, the total floor area of a granny flat, regardless of whether it has one or two stories, must not exceed 60m2.
    • Planning the layout of a two-story granny flat can be done in various ways.
    • It all depends on its intended function and your plans for its use.
    • Each dwelling and family has a unique reason for constructing a granny apartment.
    • Is this an addition to a second house that you want to live in full-time or a rental unit?
    • Knowing why you want a granny flat and consulting a professional specialising in designing them will help you zero in on the ideal two-story layout.
    • Don't scrimp on your construction crew if you want to avoid the headaches and extra costs of hiring an unskilled builder.
    • This is especially true for a two-story "granny flat."
    • More careful planning is required for granny flats with two stories.
    • Because of the increased engineering complexity, hiring a professional granny flat builder rather than a do-it-yourselfer is vital.
    • No matter how tight your budget is, hiring a competent professional is always preferable to the potential horror of dealing with an incompetent builder.
    • The construction of a two-story granny flat is not the job for a novice.
    • Converting an already-existing structure, such as a garage, into a granny flat is one alternative.
    • When starting a construction project, it's tempting to think large, but you must always keep reality in mind.
    • Ensure the contractor you hire has done granny flats before or specialised in them.
    • Always go with a licenced and reputed company when building a granny flat, and shop around to find the best deal.
    • The first step in finding reliable builders for a granny flat is deciding on a layout.
    • Be aware of any granny flat company that quotes significantly less than the competition.


    FAQs About Granny Flats

    Yes, adding a two-storey granny flat can increase your property's overall value, making it more attractive to potential buyers or renters. It can be a wise long-term investment.


    Rental income from a two-storey granny flat can significantly offset your mortgage or provide additional income. Rates vary widely depending on location, size, and amenities.


    Two-storey granny flats may not be the best option for elderly individuals or those with mobility issues due to the stairs. Consider a single-storey design or install a stair lift if needed.


    Yes, you can customize the design to meet your specific needs and preferences. Working with an architect or builder can help you create a space that suits your requirements.


    Some potential drawbacks include higher construction costs, the need for permits, and increased maintenance. Additionally, they may not be suitable for individuals with mobility issues due to stairs. Careful planning is essential to address these concerns.

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